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Anosmia "Anosmia" is an inability to perceive smells. Some people may be anosmic for one particular odour. This is called "specific anosmia" and may be genetically based.


Have you ever noticed boar taint when you eat pork?

Please select an answerYou are a person that is able to detect boar taint in pork. Note that people react very differently to boar taint, depending on their sensitivity, and not everyone is able to perceive it.This means that either you are a person that is not able to detect boar taint in pork, or you have never eaten pork from uncastrated males. Note that people react very differently to boar taint, depending on their sensitivity, and not everyone is able to perceive it.
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Do you know which boar taint compound has a specific anosmia?

Yes, that's correctNo, that's not correctYour answer has been saved.
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How anosmia is distributed

Approximately 99% of consumers are sensitive to skatole, whereas the proportion of individuals sensitive to androstenone varies, and the extent of this variation differs between studies. Specific anosmia to androstenone is common, more in men than in women, and it is determined genetically (ORD7D4 genotype). The figure below shows the geographical distribution of anosmic people in the world, by gender: