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How boar taint compounds are perceived by consumers

Androstenone and skatole are perceived differently.


Do you know how androstenone smells to most people who can perceive it? Choose all the smells you think would be associated with androstenone. (You can choose more than one answer.)

a) Correct well done. Consumer responses vary widely but urine odour is a common description. a) Sorry that's not correctb) Correct well done.b) Sorry that's not correct. Pig sty/stable odour is not commonly used as a description.c) Correct well done. Consumer responses vary widely but sweat odour is a common description.c) Sorry that's not correctd) Correct well done. d) Sorry that's not correct. Metallic odour is not commonly used as a description.e) Correct well done. However, only a low percentage of people perceive androstenone as sweet odour. e) Sorry that's not correct
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Do you know how skatole smells to most people who can perceive it? Choose all the smells you think would be associated with skatole. (You can choose more than one answer.)

a) Yes that's correct. Naphtalene odour is used as a description of skatolea) Sorry that's not correct. Naphtalene odour is used as a description of skatoleb) Correct well done. Consumer responses vary widely but pig sty/stable odour is a common description for skatole.b) Sorry that's not correctc) Correct well done. c) Sorry that's not correct. Chocolate odour is not commonly used as a description for skatole.d) Correct well done. Consumer responses vary widely but a "pig" odour is a common description for skatole.d) Sorry that's not correcte) Correct well done. Correct well done. Consumer responses vary widely but a manure odour is a common description for skatole.e) Sorry that's not correctf) Correct well done. f) Sorry that's not correct. Sweet odour is not commonly used as a description for skatole.
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