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What this is about, who it is by and who it is for


This material was created for an EU contract with the Health and Consumers Directorate-General (SANCO) entitled "Study on the improved methods for animal-friendly production, in particular on ALternatives to the CAStration of pigs and on alternatives to the DEhorning of cattle" (Alcasde

The aim of this European contract was to develop and promote alternatives of castration in pigs and dehorning of cattle. In this tutorial, we will focus on the alternatives to pig castration.

Authors: Marta Blanch, Nuria Panella, M. Angels Oliver (IRTA)

This project is led by IRTA-Food Technology
Granja Camps i Armet, s/n, 17121 Monells, Catalonia, Spain.
Tel.: +34-972 630052

EAAP logo. This tutorial was supported by EAAP,
Via G. Tomassetti 3,1/A, 00161 Rome, Italy.
Tel.: +39-06-44202639;
Learning Design and Software Realisation by Julian Cook, Bristol, UK.

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